"Our House"

A Profile and Brief History

Our House

The house on Chandler Street
Rich's house
Chi-Rho House
The Big Yellow House
(View of the side from across the street)

NOTICE: "The House" has ceased operations, and I have since moved to another location after 26 years. This page is being kept "up" solely as a historical reference.

The Purpose of this Page

This page exists primarily to supply those who may find a listing for the house at the University of Wisconsin Campus Assistance Center with additional information about this particular household. Others who may find this page via other routes should still find it useful as well.

First, A Few Nuts and Bolts Details

For the sake of those who are scanning through pages of listings in an attempt to find a place to live for the next academic year, here are some "practical details of interest" to supplement that which you have already seen in the CAC listing:

Those are the nuts and bolts in a nutshell. For further information, read on:

A Very Brief History

This house was started in the Fall of 1984 by Richard Bonomo, at that time an Electrical Engineering graduate student (who still has a Ph.D. program on ice to this day); Michael Foral, at that time a Chemical Engineering graduate student; and Norberto Carballo, a Chemistry post-doctoral fellow from Spain.

This household was started for the purpose of acting as a "springboard" or base of operations in Madison for Opus Dei, a Roman Catholic organization (canonical designation: Personal Prelature) whose mission is to teach laymen (men and women) how to become saints -- how to seek perfection -- in the course of their ordinary professional, domestic, and social activities of each day. The founder of Opus Dei, a Spanish priest by the name of Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer y Albas, was beatified by Pope John-Paul II a few years ago. Though Opus Dei has been more or less active in the city of Madison, and on the UW campus, since the 1950's, activity is at a relative lull, and there have not been any formal activities of Opus Dei at the house in a number of years. This could resume at any time, though there are no plans to currently.

Over the course of the intervening years, many have lived in the house from a variety of majors. Many of the house "alums" have graduated and are now busily raising families, developing careers, and the like.

The Living Environment

The living environment is best described as "family style." The men who live at the house are not just a bunch of guys who happen to under the same roof for the sake of saving some money (which may or may not be the case anyway), or because it happens to be convenient (which it may or may not be). The men who live in the house are expected to take a certain interest in the welfare of the others, and to seek to help make life easier for the others by deeds of service and of charity. It is a Catholic household, and residents ought to seek to make concrete those words of Jesus Christ: "By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, that you have love for one another."

The personality mix varies, of course, as different people come and go over the course of the years. We have usually succeeded in making a good environment and in having quite a bit of fun in the process. Most people who have lived at "the house" have been glad they did.

Richard Bonomo (proprietor)/
bonomoXXX@caeYYY.wiscZZZ.eduZZZ (drop caps)
Written Mon Jun 23 2250 CDT 1997.
Last modified Thurs Jan 20 0046 CST 2011.